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The Event


Gender, forced migration and vulnerabilities

In a global critical scenery, inclusive and collective initiatives are not just interesting, but crucial to the world sustainability. The pandemic has accentuated many problems experienced by forced migrants, especially women, and the situation has urged to foster an efficient reception and promote a strong hosting system, as well as to develop innovative actions that contribute to better attention and inclusion strategies of forcibly displaced people. Believing in young researchers’ competence, this event gives the floor to undergraduates in their last year of studies, Masters’ degree students and PhD students, with the objective to enable them to show their work and improve their careers in a creative way with a possibility to win an award for the best rated work. The participation of young professionals from the field and aid organizations is encouraged. The focus is on practical proposals that help to understand and transform this reality, considering gender inequalities and specificities. Both methodology & research and innovative practice-oriented proposals are welcomed.


RAISD Observatory for Forced Displacement - and the UCM - Complutense University of - Madrid proudly announce the Workshop for Young Researchers, taking place from April 27th to 28th , 2021, under the theme “Research for Change: Gender, Forced Migration and Vulnerabilities”


Organizational Committee: Liisa Hanninen (UCM), Estela Pérez (UCM), Sara Parra (UCM) and Thaís Costa (UERJ).


Academic Committee: Maria Lara (UCM), Liisa Hänninen (UCM), Tamara Bueno (UCM), Thaís Costa (UERJ/UCAM), Noelia García (UCM), Clara Guilló Girard (UCM), Tulay Atay Avsar (Mustafa Kemal University), Amani M. Shatnawi (Yarmouk University), Luisa Ardizzone (CESIE), Mervi Pantti (Helsinki University).




RfC 2021 is an international event and it will be held online, due to the current Covid-19 situation. It will be an opportunity to reflect about how young researchers can contribute to this important and contemporary global issue involving forced migration and gender, reflecting about the context-related vulnerabilities.

Registrations will be free of charge, as a way to promote inclusion and to foster young researchers to participate and promote their work and careers within the field of migrations and gender studies.

Presentations will be oral, followed by an open discussion with the audience. Innovative and creative formats will be encouraged.

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