Call for proposals, contest terms & prizes
"We want to thank you all for your valuable and insightful participation at our RfC workshop. We are proud to announce the winners of the RfC research awards:
1st prize 1,500 euros: Naima Ahmad Al-husban with "Young female refugees' education: from policies to pedagogical practices"
2nd prize 1,000 euros: Manuela Ramos, Nancy Njoka and Catarine Wambui with "Invisible exclusion in the labour market: citizenship, youth and economic integration of children born of refugees in Kenya"
3rd prize 500 euros: Aline Saraiva Leao Lima with "The precariousness of refugee camps"
Congratulations to the winners!"
Extended dealine March 31, 2021
Call for proposals
Abstracts: Abstracts: Please notice that abstracts should have been written in English, from 300 to 500 words in length, followed by authors bio up to 100 words and the indication of presentation format. It should be sent to by March 25th, 2021.
Projects also can be submitted on video, poster, interactive board formats or multi platform. Approved proposals will be presented in fifteen-minute sessions during the event. Abstracts will be published at RfC website.
The event is free of charge.
The workshop scientific committee will award the best project with:
€ 1,500 for the 1st.
€ 1,000 for the 2nd.
€ 500 for the 3rd.
The scientific committee will welcome practical approaches about forced migrations and gender on the following subtopics:
Forced migrations and labour
Refugee camps and citizenship
Democratic co-existence
Forced migration and pandemic
Media coverage of refugees
Regular or irregular status of refugees
Young migrants and integration
Good practices in attention and inclusion strategies
Abstracts in English: 300 - 500 words + 100 words bio of the authors + indication of presentation format.
Projects can be presented on video, poster, interactive board formats or multi-platform, respecting the time limit for presentation. Approved abstracts will be invited to present the research or initiative in fifteen-minute sessions. Other than PowerPoint (or similar plain) presentation must be send in 2 days before the conference for visualization/format check.
Evaluation Criteria
Relevance, originality, viability, practical application, coherence.
Abstract submission deadline: 31.03.2021
Notification acceptance: 09.04.2021
Workshop: 27-28.04.2021
Final Results: 07.05.2021